Before you go ahead and pause your current digital strategy I want to lay out the facts.
If you pause anything on Googles platform, then 100% pausing will affect the campaigns. As a rule, if any campaign is paused for more than 30 days – you may as well be starting again. That does depend on the overall spend, how complex the campaign structure was, and how long it’s been operating for.
Why? Because the machine learning that Google uses to optimise campaigns towards, takes into consideration the consistency of the account first, then campaigns second.
Starting back up again is tough if it’s been paused for longer than 30 days, if we are pausing all the campaigns and not just 1 or 2. That applies to reducing budgets on Googles platform too.
The above info only applies to anything on the Google Ads platform (search, performance max, google display network, YouTube, Gmail). It doesn’t apply to anything on the Meta (Facebook/Insta) platform or TikTok. Pausing campaigns on these platforms does have an effect, but its days – not months.
So, before you pause for whatever reason it is, think about the impact it could have on your current momentum already created. Reduce you spend rather than stop it totally. Keep your toe in the water and your google googling!
The Pause Effect – What happens if I stop a Google Platform based campaign.
Before you go ahead and pause your current digital strategy I want to lay out the facts.
If you pause anything on Googles platform, then 100% pausing will affect the campaigns. As a rule, if any campaign is paused for more than 30 days – you may as well be starting again. That does depend on the overall spend, how complex the campaign structure was, and how long it’s been operating for.
Why? Because the machine learning that Google uses to optimise campaigns towards, takes into consideration the consistency of the account first, then campaigns second.
Starting back up again is tough if it’s been paused for longer than 30 days, if we are pausing all the campaigns and not just 1 or 2. That applies to reducing budgets on Googles platform too.
The above info only applies to anything on the Google Ads platform (search, performance max, google display network, YouTube, Gmail). It doesn’t apply to anything on the Meta (Facebook/Insta) platform or TikTok. Pausing campaigns on these platforms does have an effect, but its days – not months.
So, before you pause for whatever reason it is, think about the impact it could have on your current momentum already created. Reduce you spend rather than stop it totally. Keep your toe in the water and your google googling!
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