stop it

Stop It!

November 25, 2020 hotspotmediaadmin Comments Off

It’s time to Stop It. Stop trying to be everything to everyone. It’s time to choose.


Who is your best type of customer?

We’ve all heard that question before, “who is your target audience?” But have you actually sat down and worked out who is best for your business? Newsflash, it’s not everyone.

Start to build your avatar. Name them, give them a personality. Where do they live? How old are they? What do they enjoy doing? Married or single? What’s their income level? Pizza or Pasta? It really can get that detailed, and the more you know about them, the better your marketing campaigns will be.

Get Granular.

The comedian Steve Martin says it best, ‘why does everyone rush out to get the business cards, to get big on social, why don’t they just get good at comedy first?’. And it’s the same in advertising and marketing, get good at finding out who you want to target, and the rest takes care of itself.

Today’s quote: You can only grow your business as big as you grow yourself. Julia Pimsleur